WI's are due on Friday!
(You should have had them reviewed on Wednesday, or during critique!)
Remember that the WI is a record of your journey!
Images with notes and reflections from guest artist (Lynda Ladwig)
Images and notes from work produced and process explored 1st quarter.
Notes about what is working and what is not working.
Page about where you were in your work, where you are now, and where you are headed.
You should always be looking at the world around you as you work! (CONTEXTUAL)
Use artists in order to inform and inspire your work. Document this in your work.
Look at what has been done historically in art! How does the context in which the artist lived affect the work that is produced?
Book should correlate with what is going on in class. Do not pull internet articles about process etc... and glue them in your book. If you put an article in it should have notes included, and should have a direct connection with classwork.
I am here to answer your questions, but you need to ask them before FRIDAY! Photographs from the guest artists visit are on the P drive/teachers/Rogers in file: Lynda Ladwig