Shino Fortune

Shino Fortune
Beautiful Glaze Variations! The magic of reduction firing!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Final Three!

Make sure that your are documenting all of your learning in your Investigative Workbooks.  Take progress images as you work.  Document both success and failure?  What ideas do you have?  Why do you do what you do?  Put sketches in your book as your work.  Number and date all pages.
Make sure you have your book for our CELEBRATION OF LEARNING!

Hard to believe that 1st semester will be over in three weeks!

We have a lot to do!

1. Final Investigative Workbook- All work completed 1st semester with review and images included.
2. All work glazed for reduction firing
3. All work photographed
4. Images to Lisa for submissions to art shows
5. Clean-up!
6. Final Celebration of Learning/Review/Critique on Final day!
Oh, and I almost forgot! The sale is coming up! Start thinking about what you want to sale!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Critique and Moving Forward!

Excellent Critique Friday!
Moving Forward-
1.  Continue to document your journey in your investigative workbooks.  Remember to balance your book pages with sketches, reflection, process, images (photographs) and research.  Your book should be closely connected to the work being done in the studio.  Research should include artists with reflections and notes about how they inform and inspire your work.  Remember, to include what you notice around you, and how this influences your work?  Ask, yourself,  "How does the context in which I am living influence my work?"  ( Does what you eat influence the kind of food containers you make?)  Are their certain issues, or stories you would like to tell using art as the medium? 

Please take a close look at the attached video, it is and example example of the role of context and culture and how it affects the artist as a maker!  We will discuss and review this video in class.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Produce Week!

In the spirit of fall we are having PRODUCE week!
You have all week to work on integrating your research with what you produce.  You must also be focusing on developing your own VOICE. 

Critique on FRIDAY!  Be sure you are taking process images.  Also, you must be documenting how your research has INSPIRED, and INFORMED  your work? 

You must have your Investigative workbook with you for critique.  We will need it in order to document your research/integration with what you are producing.    Remember to document process, and take notes along the way!  (Document your journey!) 

Remember the things that you notice, are often where influence and voice come from!  Listen, look, record.
Ask yourself- WHAT IF? 

Kristen Kieffer's page-  Great example of integrating influences, and noticing into your work, in order to develop your own voice!

Be ready to share!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Qtr 1 Ending Investigative Workbooks (WI's) Due Monday

Please check out the dry-erase board!  Don't just check it out, read it!  All the information that needs to be included in your book is up there.  No excuses!  Books are due on Monday!  Document where you have been, where you are, and where you are heading!  What have you learned this semester?  What were some aha moments you had, or are having?  We will be firing the gas kiln next week!  Get everything glazed!  Enjoy homecoming!  No open studio this Saturday! 

Friday, September 30, 2011

Critique Postponed! Oregon School of Art and Craft Visits!

We are going to postpone critique until Tuesday!  Colleges are in town for portfolio days!  Monday Oregon School of Art and Craft/6h hour.  Tuesday New York School of Visual Arts/2nd hour.  Wednesday is Kansas City Arti Institute.  (All day)

Critique will be on Tuesday/6th hour. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Wednesday: Arvada Center Show

Don't forget to get field trip permission forms to me ASAP!  We will be going to see the shows at the Arvada Center.  I have had a link at the right (image with face) with a review and images from the show.  Check it out.  Don't foget to bring your Investigative Workbooks, and Cameras!  Should be fun!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bringing it all together!

Great work so far!  First major deadline is Thursday.  Everyone has been working hard, and producing great work.  I look forward to seeing everything on the table for critique.  Make sure you are looking at the world around you.  What do you notice, and remember?  This is what influences and inspires your work!  Start thinking about finishing your surface since there are a lot of options!  ( What cone are you firing to?  What surface do you want?  Matte, Shiny, etc...  Why have chosen this finish?  What is the function of your form?)
I appreciate all you do!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Friday Deadline!

Just got done reading all of your Workbooks, otherwise known as the WI's!  Great job this week of documenting processes, and reflecting on what inspires and informs your work.  I think everyone is starting to understand how we are influenced and inspired by what is around us. (contextual) 
I appreciated that the books this week were honest and everyone seemed connected to what they were working on, and that this was well documented in writing, photographs, and sketches. 
Don't forget to stop and notice what gets your attention, or what you stop to look at twice, or what you remember, or something that you just can't get off your mind- these are the things that influence and inspire us, if we just take the time to notice and reflect.
Great start to a new year everyone!

First group critique or Celebration of Learning is next Monday!  Be ready to present what is going on with your work.  You should have finished pieces!  (Ready for the kiln, that is!)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sept 7th- Blogs and Books are due!

Make sure that you are:
-Documenting your process with images
-Reflecting on what influences your work.
-What are you looking at?
-What artists influence your work?  Why?
-What is working?  What is not working?
-What ideas do you have?
-What would help you move foreward with your work?

Art in your world?

Bring in Artifacts from your world.  Where is art?  It is all around you?  Look!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Contain or Pour Conceptual or Functional

Critque and Review Postponed from Friday (8th) to Monday (11th) Have work ready for crit on Monday! Be ready to share your blog or Investigative Workbook with the class. I will have an LCD projector available! Remember, as always, Critiques are a time to reflect and learn from others, but they are also a Celebration of Learning! Brownies will be available, if you are interested! You must have read this blog in order to get one!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Back from Spring Break!

I will be out of town 29-2 at the National Clay Show in Tampa, Florida. This is the first year that students will be going with me to the show! Very Exciting! We have three pieces on display at the National k12 Show in Tampa. Congratulations to Ashley Watlington and Jordan Pieper. The competition was quite fierce this year.

Students who are staying in Colorado should be working on series pieces. There will be a critique when I get back on Tuesday, April 4th. I will leave a sheet for each of you as to expectations. We will conference before I leave.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break! Seniors, not much longer!!!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Investigative Notebooks and Blogs Due! 28th

Make sure you are documenting all of your work.
Research must be included. What informs and inspires your work?
Reflections! What is working? What is not working?
Sketches, images of work in progress.
Make sure to include what your working on in class. The book must reflect your work in class. Cite all sources and number all pages!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Third Quarter Ends Soon!

The end of third quarter is approaching: March 11th!
(Remember we have CSAP'S March 8,9,10, and the 11th is a half day!)

I.B. - Testing Approaches! I will be turning in predicted scores! All images must be in your CRB with 25-30 pages from your IW. The last day to put any work in the CRB is March 18th. No exceptions. Books will be sent out for external moderation! Once the books are sent out for moderation work and pages can not be changed in any way!

A.P.- Continue working on Concentration! Make sure you are taking great pictures of your work!

Advanced Students-
Continue to use up the soldate! Make as many large bowls as possible to fill the kiln
Some of you are working on series pieces. Continue with this project!

Handbuilders- Make sure that you check in with me on your progress. Attend open studio on Saturday if you need to spend extra time on your work.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

So much to do!

So much to do! Make sure you get it all done!
Critique on Wednesday!
1. Concept piece with Animal (Chinese New Year Animal: Year you were born or rabbit)
2. Fortune cookies contained. Piece must have unity and be planned. If you have a particular
style you work in this should be apparent. Everyone is doing a great job.
3. All pieces must be ready for the display case for Chinese New Year's
4. Think about bringing a shirt to silkscreen with the year of the rabbit design we are creating!
5. Look on the dry erase board everyday to check out times for open studio!
6. Anyone interested in going to the Chinese New Year's festival in Denver on Sunday needs to
let me know they are coming! We will meet at the school on Sunday at 12:15
7. I.B. and A.P. students need to stay focused. VERY FOCUSED!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Investigative Workbooks and Blog Extension of deadline

Since everyone is still working on getting it together, in this new year, I have decided to extend the deadline for Wi's and Blogs to Friday! No extensions, No exceptions!

What has to be done?
1. Fortune Cookies with 3 clay bodies and 3 glazes, or you can have a theme throughout.
2. Rabbit, or Animal for the year you were born. Sculpted from solid form. This will need to be cold finished, but it should be ready for the kiln. It will also need to be contained.
3. Documentation both in writing and in photographs of what you have made with reflection.
4. Where you are headed? I.B. you are headed toward your exam date! I will talk with you on an individual basis. Year one I.B. should start thinking about finished pieces for your exam next year.
5. Advanced Throwers should be producing work for the sale. Lets use up the recycled clay, and the soldate!
6. A.P. Concentration pieces should be your focus.

Needless to say there is a lot going on. If you don't understand what is due, ask before Friday!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blogs and Books Due!

Intentions and New Beginnings Reflections and Images Due-
Please include all information-
1. What you are putting in the cookie- taken away?
2. What are your intentions?
3. Glaze Choices
4. What kind of container?
5. Animal you chose and why? What year you were born? Include handout given to you with images and descriptions.
6. Images of work in progress, add images when work is completed.
7 Remember we are documenting our journey
8 If you are doing a blog please go to the P drive, teachers, student save in, Period 6/7 Pottery Spring 2011. Make a new folder with your name on it and put all images and your blog address in this folder.
9 If your are keeping a notebook please turn it in by my desk / bag marked I.W.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tom Coleman talking about Influences!

Watch this video clip. What influences your work?

Beginning Again!

Welcome back returning students! Also, would like to welcome new Advanced Students to both 6th and 7th hour. Just a heads up, we are having a student teacher this semester. His name is Tom Steele. Some of you may know him from last year since he observed most of the year. Tom loves Ceramics and Mixed Media!
Hope everyone has been looking at the world around them, and is remembering what they notice in their world.These are the things that inform and inpire our work!
Simplicity has been on my mind this break, and for some reason I just can't stop making coffee mugs. I have also been thinking about surface and the various techniques that can be used to create surface. I also have been thinking about starting another standing figure sculpture! Be ready to share what is on your mind! Hope everyone is enjoying break! I sure like sleeping in past five a.m. every morning. I am going to try to put a Sivie Granatelli video in this post. If it works, please be sure to watch it.

I.B. Second Year student, and A.P. Students the heat is on, time is ticking! No pressure of course! HA!
